Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sukkah with WiFi

I am blogging from my sukkah.

It has WiFi.

This is only the second year we've had a sukkah in our little garden, lovingly built with much sweat and ingenuity by J from scrap wood and assorted sundries.

Yes, but what has this to do with writing?

Well, the Sukkah is intended to celebrate the Sukkot holiday, and supposed to be up for 8 days only... but last year I was so enamoured of it that we left it up for a few months and it become my little outdoor writing space, despite the worsening weather.

It's a little bit of inside and outside combined, nature and technology, permanent and fleeting, creativity and peace. Everyone should have one.


slippingthroughtheworld said...

lovin' your sukkah tania. i think it's a great idea to use it as a writing retreat...just think of all the natural sounds and the feel of the cold air on your skin. i'm sure that makes a difference in some of your writing.


Tania Hershman said...

Thanks so much, Irene. It's all pretty warm air right now, but should get cold quite soon. But yes, being half inside and half out is inspiring.