My great writer/blogger colleague and friend Nik Perring. has interviewed me about that first year over at his blog. A few tantalising snippets, and then down to the Free Book stuff...
To find out the biggest surprises of the last 12 months, and more, pop in to Nik's blog. And thanks to Eco-libris, I have planted a tree for every copy printed, which is more than I expected (mother buying 100+ 10 friends!) although not quite a forest yet.
Because I am published by a small press, Salt, even though they are amazing and they made me this beautiful book, most of the marketing and promotion was and is down to me. And I have no clue about selling a book! Well, perhaps now I have a bit more of a clue. So, basically, I made it up as I went along. I built a website for the book, I set up a Facebook Page, I organised a hectic 11-stop Virtual Book Tour where I was interviewed on 11 blogs over 11 weeks about everything from my love for science to writing and religion.... I cajoled as many people as possible into writing reviews....I obsessively checked my Amazon rankings, searching for some indication of whether what I was doing was working. And whirring through my mind, all the time, was: “How can I sell the book? How can I sell the book?”
Ok, in celebration, I am giving away THREE signed copies of
Happy birthday also too to Nuala NĂ ChonchĂșir's wondrous short story collection, Nude, which is published today by Salt! Nuala's Nude Not Naked Virtual Book Tour kicks off today, and I will be hosting her here next week, Sept 8th, talking about writing, art, and perhaps a little about nudity!
So, anyone want a free book??
Don't pick me! I won last time you gave copies of your book away, and enjoyed reading it very much. ~Miriam
Pick Me please!
Don't pick me - I have it!!
Congrats on your year, T. And thanks for the shout out for Nude. I'm giddy today! Looking forward to stopping by next week. N x
Embarrassing to say I don't have it yet, but it's soooo on my list. So pick me!
Happy Birthday book! Pick me Please.
Happy Birthday! Please pick me! I do have a copy, and promise to give my copy away if I get a signed one :) x
Pick me!
I'd love a book! Happy One Year Birthday!
Happy birthday White Road - I would love to read you, so please pick me :D
Pick me, please!
(My book, In an Uncharted Country, is due to be born any second!)
pick me oh happy birthday book. i have read you already but would love to give you to a friend.
Pick me, too! And please tell me & others about the gorgeous photograph that heads your blog. I'm curious.
No need to pick me, Tania, as I have my copy already. Just wanted to wish you and White Road a very Happy Birthday.
Pick me please!
Okay, this is very sad but I'd forgotten I had turned off Comment Moderation and was wondering why I wasn't getting any notification of comments! And... here you all are! Ahhhh, much better.
Alex, you go in the hat! (Nice to meet you, btw!)
Andrew, no embarassment, you're in the hat too, with Stephen, Caroline (I like the idea of you giving one away...), Michael, Shellie, Green Ink (nice to meet you too!)
Cliff, happy book birth day to you, hope it goes beautifully, I am off to order a copy of yours. You go in the hat, along with Dina.
Pamela, get thee in the hat! And the picture is Rotterdam, it came with the blog template, scroll right down to the bottom of the blog for the link to the template designer. Isn't it lovely? Makes me very happy when I see it - although I'm not in Rotterdam and have never been :)
Sarah, thanks!
PS Miriam, just like Alice Munro, it's kind of you to step aside in case you win twice!! :)
Please pick me...my English needs improving before I write my own book!!
Russell, you snuck in there while I was writing my comment - in the hat with you too!
Ah, Michael, no guarantees that my stories will do anything for your English skills! I've been in a non-English-speaking country for a long, long time, I am not sure you could call it "English" any more. Looking forward to hearing more about your book, neighbour :)
No need to pick me, as I have a copy and loved reading it. Big fan. :)
But happy birthday White Road, anyway. May you find three new happy homes.
from the lanky kid who was always picked last in all school activities, from sports to lab partners to prom dates to 'please sign my yearbook,' there is one simple request: PICK ME!
happy one year birthday/anniversary, miss t.
Pick me. With a signed copy I can pass on my bought copy to a worthy individual.
Pick me, pick me! Can you see me bouncing up and down in my seat as my hand pumps up and down too?
Hi, Tania! Congratulations on your baby! I won't say "Pick me" since I already have a copy but the lucky person who gets it is in for quite a ride! All my best, Tree Riesener
Pick me! I'll give my bought copy away to a good home!
Happy Birthday... do books get birthday cakes?
Just want to add my congrats- but don't pick me, of course, since I've long read it and loved it.
Thanks, Mary!
Richard, I hear you! Best of luck.
Dan, you're in the hat.
Dorothy: you get an A for effort!
Jen, this book would love a cake... and a good home!
Teresa, Tree and Lauri - thank you!
Pick Me Tania!
You already know I am a fan but sadly I had to return my copy of your wonderful book to the library.
Pick me! Pick me! I'd love to read it :)
Liz, I will see what I can do!
Michelle, I'll add you to the hat!
Pick me please!!!
Pick me, pick me, pick me, pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please?
Pretty please?
Am dying to read it...
pretty, pretty please?
(Okay, this sounds ridiculous. I'm begging, aren't I?)
Cheryl Chambers
Sonia, nice to meet you!
Cheryl, I like the begging, keep going!...:)
Put me in the hat! Put me in the hat! Now! Now!Now!
See? 'Highly acclaimed'!! And rightly so. Very happy birthday.
Hi there, I'm sneaking in at the eleventh hour - pick me please - just to say hullo before Nuala's tour gets to you.
Pick me, please. I'd love to read your book.
Nadiya, if you insists :)
Debi, hmmmm! Thanks!
Rachel, great interview with nuala, a hard cat to follow! And popping you in the hat too.
Jo, I'll add you in, thanks for stopping by!
Hey Tania,
Please please pick me, because I was so wanting to get a copy from you before you left Israel. And because with my maternity leave starting I really need something to keep me busy during early labour!
Hope all is well with you guys, Shanah Tova,
Happy Birthday to your book & pick me!!
And the winners are...here.
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