Monday, February 18, 2008

Can't write, won't write

I can't write today. Nothing. Not a word. I don't think it has anything to do with the unpleasant episode of last week, because thankfully and with exquisite timing it was followed swiftly by the acceptances of four of my flash stories by two different magazines. And when, due to previously mentioned unpleasant episode, I wrote back to make sure I would be able to see the final versions of the stories before being printed or put up on the web, both editors were so understanding (one, the delightful Colin of the Ranfurly Review, making my week by saying that "no, I won't be altering your work. It's too fine to tamper with. :-)") that I immediately realized that what had happened to me was, thankfully, an aberration. That most literary magazines have an ethical code that dictates that a writer will always be asked for approval of edits.

I want to be clear here: I am not saying that my work is untouchable, perfect. I am not saying that it does not need editing, would not benefit from editing. I have had some amazing editors who have suggested edits that most definitely improved the stories. And I have welcomed - and do welcome - this wholeheartedly. But it is, as someone mentioned in a comment below, a partnership, writer and editor together.

Ok, enough. I am trying to put this behind me. But, nevertheless, I can't write right now. I don't get writer's block. Never have. It's just laziness, really. Laziness and Scrabulous. Or the weather - a storm is whipping up outside my window. Or the lack of chocolate. Or many many reasons. Not all beyond my control. So I should pull myself together. I should. OK. I am going to. Yes I am. Here I go. Bye. I'm going now.


Group 8 said...

Nice new pic among the cactii! I can't write either today. I have no mental energy. But, we can always read and that's fuel to our own fires. So go read, Tania!

Nik Perring said...

Writing's (well, editing actually_ been a struggle for me today as well. Looks like you're not alone. You get days like these every now and again though, don't you? Just one of those things.


Anne Brooke said...

Don't panic - not writing is an essential part of the process. An actor can't be on stage all the time and neither can a singer sing all the time. Both need to be in the wings preparing for a large proportion of their life. Same goes for writing. It's called Creative Downtime - enjoy it!



Tania Hershman said...

Thanks, WRW, Nik and Anne. WRW - that might be my author pic, still deciding! And thanks for your sound advice, I went and read for a while, and instantly felt reinvigorated and calmer!
Nik - sorry you had one of those days too, but it is good not to be alone, and I am sure tomorrow will be, if not better, well, different.
Anne - thanks, I love the Creative Downtime idea, makes me feel like I am always creating, even when I am really eating chocolate chip cookies and watching telly!

pierre l said...

That new picture is very nice indeed. Unfortunately I am too far away to offer anything other than virtual chocolate. looking forward to reading your collection when it becomes available.

Vanessa Gebbie said...

Relax and enjoy it, T. Good advice above, all of it. And wow, you look amazing in the piccie...
are you about to EAT that cactus?


Tania Hershman said...

Virtual chocolate is good, thank you Pierre! Or, as Vanessa suggests, I can eat the cactus instead. That's in our front garden... good author photo?? Intriguing, eh?