Wednesday, July 29, 2009

PS New flash published

This day is ending wonderfully with the first of three of my flash stories and one poem that are going to be published in Metazen,"an online fic­tion zine that pub­lishes short fic­tion and poetry by var­i­ous authors. Metazen is a fly­trap for metafic­tion, exis­ten­tial­ism and absur­dism. It har­bors all kinds of filth such as neu­rotic char­ac­ters, obscure philoso­phies, love for inan­i­mate objects and quests toward enlightenment". Sounds like my kind of place!

My flash is called Unnaming, here's a small taste:
The man, his name is Mick, or Mickey, or Michael, or Sir to some and Man to oth­ers, Son to his Mammy and Eejit to his wife. The woman, her name is Sonya. Mick and Sonya. Sonya and Michael. Her hus­band, his wife. Out.
If you'd like to, you can read the rest here. I believe you can even leave a comment if you are so moved. Have a lovely evening!

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