This little bundle of joy contains ten new reviews of short story collections, including two firsts: our first erotica review (Best of Best American Erotica), and our first historical fiction collection (S. Yizhar), some classic sci fi and fantasy (Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. Le Guin), debut collections from Ireland, the US, Australia (Patrick Chapman, Susan DiPlacido, Karen Russell, Sylvia Petter), a dash of horror (Heather Beck), some tongue-twisting words (Logorrhea), ... and much more.

We've also got author interviews with Patrick Chapman
I'm writing a novel, now in its final draft (so far), which I've been doing for the last five years or so. It's a romantic comedy about suicide.Sylvia Petter
I write stories in response to whatever moves or ignites me. I’m a bit all over the place in that respect.
Susan DiPlacido
I wanted a good mix of erotic and non-erotic and some pulpy things to represent all the genres I really enjoy writing -- and reading.and Heather Beck
It’s a sublime feeling to know that what I created is coming to life for others. I am thrilled if even one person reads my work and enjoys it (but don’t tell my publisher that)If you missed our first 5 issues, check out the fifty reviews we've already published, by book title, author, category. Pop in and find something to read.
1 comment:
Looks great, Tania! Such variety. I loved your review. Putting that collection on my To Read list now.
I rec'd the new issue over at my blog and on lj.
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