Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nothing to do with writing... or maybe it does

OK, this hasn't got much to do with the writing life - but I just watched Say Anything, that superb John Cusack film from 1989, and well the years have not diminished its greatness. What I noticed this time around was that while in some ways it's the traditional guy-meets-girl-loses-girl-gets-girl, there is something non-traditional and very real about it that makes it so watchable. The dialogue is fantastic, nothing happens quite in the way you think it will. This is apart from JC himself, of course. Or entirely because of him. Yes, this is just me trying to justify watching a John Cusack film on faux-writerly grounds! I'll stop now.

Back to the writing life, I am delighted to report that after many, many rejections I have finally succeeded in gaining acceptance into Elimae, a wonderful ELectronic LIterary MAgazine (hence the name). My very short piece, which editor Coop Renner called "almost a poem" will be in the May issue. I seem to be writing quite a lot of "almost poems", and enjoying the process. It doesn't matter what's it's called, what shelf it fits on, does it?

My psychologically-helpful Progress Bar to the right is rather static, but that's ok too. No rush. Quantity is not my driving force. I'm enjoying myself. Have a great rest of your weekend.


annie clarkson said...

well done for your almost poem. I wrote almost poems all the time. perhaps it might be the name of my first collection.

Vanessa Gebbie said...

Congrats on cracking Elimae, T! I never managed it meself, although Sara had success there, among others. Lovely place. Hhe was very helpful suggesting alternatives, though.

Sarah Hilary said...

Great news, Tania, that is one hard nut to crack!

Tania Hershman said...

Annie, great idea, I love Almost Poems.

V - thanks! I never thought I'd do it. Isn't he lovely?

Sarah - thank you! Does no-one want to talk about John Cusack? Is it just me??

annie clarkson said...

Yes, I can see what you mean about John Cusack, I'm more of a Christian Bale woman myself..!

Sue Guiney said...

Ah, JC - our mutual obsession....Congrats on the acceptance into Elimae. As you know, I do think of your stuff as poetry and it's good to see that a journal sees it too and isn't scared off by the "form" issue. I agree. It doesn't matter what shelf it fits on. xo

Pippa Goldschmidt said...

I love JC! and 'Say Anythin' is a great film. Haven't seen it for years...