Friday, November 02, 2012

Radio 3!

Just a very quick blog post as I pause for a moment on my travels to say that I will be live in Gateshead tomorrow night at the BBC's Freethinking Festival, reading two newly-commissioned flash stories on the subject of editing on The Verb - in the exalted company of Don Paterson, Tony Harrison and Laura Barber of Granta. Am a little nervous... I believe the program will be streamed live on the Internet from the event, and then broadcast on Radio 3 next Friday night, Nov 9th, The Verb's regular slot. I am really looking forward to meeting the host, Ian McMillan - last time I was on, in July, I did it from a distance, from Bristol. I loved hearing him say "My Mother Was An Upright Piano" in that wonderful voice of his, can't wait for a second one! Wish me luck... 


Tim Love said...

"in the exalted company of Don Paterson, Tony Harrison and Laura Barber of Granta. Am a little nervous..." - well, they're in exalted company too - you're nearly a regular on the show, and you've an enviable radio voice.

Vanessa Gebbie said...

Echo... have a wonderful time, enjoy! Serendipity - I bought a copy of Don Patterson's Orpheus translation, of Rilke today, in Vienna...
love from Sylvia and me x