Monday, June 16, 2008

Names and naming characters

The wonderful Sarah Salway invited me to be a guest blogger on her site and talk about characters' names and the naming of characters. The blog post is here. Thanks so much, Sarah, it was a very stimulating thing to think about.


Kat W said...

Character's names are so important. It reminds me of the huge responsibility of trying to name my children. But at least with my fictional characters I don't have to argue it out with my husband!!!

Great article on Sarah's blog. I agree that you can't force a name on a character. Glad I found your blog to read.

Kat :-)

Sue Guiney said...

Fascinating stuff! I also wanted to tell you I just received "Riffing the Strings." I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but that didn't stop me from giving you and it a plug on my latest blog. Check it out. I'll write more about it after i've read it -- and especially your piece. Can't wait!