Monday, August 25, 2008

7 days to go... and no!!

Ok, this is a disaster. After I come up with my amazing theory about the power of Scrabulous on Facebook to help me with my writing by distracting my demons, it's gone. Scrabulous. Shut down. Suddenly, Saturday night, I log in to carry on the games I was playing. Nothing. My fingers are itching and twitching, and there's nothing I can do!

So, ok, I decide to turn to other distractions... namely, Prison Break. I had just started Season 3. I really enjoyed the first two seasons. Then, this morning, a few episodes in, the love interest is suddenly killed. Beheaded, in fact. And I thought, Oh come on! That's it for me. I can't watch any more. It was preposterous anyway, but this was just plain ridiculous. It was done so badly, no lead up, nothing. I really liked her. So, no more Prison Break.

What's a girl to do now? I am trying for a sugar-free week, so chocolate is out. Blogging, thankfully, is still an option. I need some escapism, I can't just write and think about writing ALL day... and this week, with 7 days to go til P-Day, I was going to take it easy, not put too much pressure on myself to work. Now what?


Sparks said...

I went to the shop and I bought an Auomatic Apple Analyzing machine....

Group 8 said...

Knit yourself a hat! (You knit, right?) It's non-literary and you'll have something snazzy to wear in the winter.

Tania Hershman said...

Jo - let me know how that goes!

WRW - yes, I do knit, in fact I just started something new this week, but I like to do it in front of the telly! And now, no Prison Break, nothing nothing nothing. Urgh!

Group 8 said...

OK, I recognise this syndrome. You need a serious, out-of-town type distraction. Go camping! You'll be so exhausted afterwards you won't need any distractions, just your bed.

Sparks said...

basically - you go through the alphabet and you have to recite all of them in order, from memory before adding your own. 'B' is next.
Other variations include going to the doctor and going to work though of course the possibilities are endless...your go! (you went to the shop and bought something beginning with B)

Ilana said...

Alas for Scrabulous!

My offer to lend you Firefly is still open...

Douglas Bruton said...

Go to this month's STORYGLOSSIA and read my posted story: 'Sufferin's For Them as is Left With The Loss'.... will fill a short space of time and I get exposure. Win win...



Sparks said...

Firefly is utterly brilliant - say yes immediately, Tania!
An absolute travesty there was only one series - but there is a film, too!