Monday, January 18, 2010

A (Non-Complete) List of UK and Ireland Lit Mags Which Publish Short Stories

NEWS: For an updated and enhanced lit mags list (and so much more!) head over to ShortStops...>>>

Update Aug 2011: 127 lit mags and counting.....!

Why am I doing this, you may ask? Well, I wanted to know, partly for my own selfish reasons. I had heard mutterings about the lack of lit mags in this area compared to the US, but then I started hearing about new lit mags and more new lit mags.... and then I started doing a bit of research. And since I am living in the UK now, I want to know about everything that's going on. I want to know if it's true that the "short fiction scene" is dozing. Well, I think you'll see from what I gathered below that that is far from true.

I should qualify: when I say "lit mags", my definition is a magazine that publishes fiction, or fiction and poetry.  There are a wealth of poetry-only magazines, see The Poetry Library  for listings of poetry mags. I  am not including them here because I wanted to keep this list to those which publish short stories.  I also included the few live lit events I know about - since these are also "publication" opportunities for short story writers. Where possible, I have lifted the description from Duotrope, the essential writer's resource, and done my best to say if the magazine pays contributors - although "paying" could mean a monetary reward that is very very small!

A (Non-Complete) LIst of UK and Ireland Lit Mags

20x20 - " a square platform for writings, visuals and cross-bred projects. Writers are invited to submit works up to 1,500 words. Please submit up to 3 written pieces or poems."
Four Thirty Three - " a new audio magazine. We'll be broadcasting and podcasting short stories of around five minutes (up to 1,000 words), written and read by some of the best contemporary writers.We're looking for edgy, engaging stories about modern life - stories which work well when read aloud." AUDIO
Aesthetica - "Aesthetica engages with contemporary art, contextualising it within the larger cultural framework." PRINT
African Writing  - "new, unpublished work. Our natural constituency of writers and material are African or Diasporan (please interpret boldly) but we will publish any writer who writes into the African Condition (please interpret boldly). We are adventurous in our definition of Africana, but we will also publish good literature generally." PRINT
Albedo One - " Ireland's longest-running and foremost magazine of the Fantastic. Since 1993, we have published stories of both Irish and international authors which push at the boundaries of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror." PRINT PAYING
AltHist "the new magazine of Historical Fiction and Alternate History. Lovers of historical fiction for too long have been denied outlets for short pieces of fiction, as the number of print and online magazines for historical short fiction is very limited compared to the popularity of fiction set in past times. Alt Hist’s mission is to provide readers with entertaining and well-written short stories with a historical setting, whether portraying actual events or events that could have happened. If you read and enjoy historical fiction, alternate history or historical fantasy then we think you will like Alt Hist.… "  EZINE
Ambit - "quarterly, 96 page magazine that prints original poetry, short fiction,art and reviews." PRINT, PAYING 
Arete Arts Tri-Quarterly - Fiction, poetry, reportage, reviews PRINT
Ballista speculative fiction. just published last issue PRINT
Banipal -  "publishing contemporary authors and poets from all over the Arab world in English translation" PRINT
The Battered Suitcase - "We welcome all work that explores the human experience of any genre: literary, experimental, mainstream, speculative, paranormal, poetry, narrative non-fiction, and humor.  We don't wish to hang labels on good writing. We hope to provide a safe space for writers who've gone underappreciated because the industry has led them to believe that they don't fit a particular format.  We hold no editorial bias in regards to stories for or about individuals of any race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or planet of origin." PRINT EZINE
The Beat - " a showcase for new and exciting writers and artists. The site is now published on a rolling basis, so we will post any new work as and when we see fit (rather than on an issue basis that we began with)" EZINE
Beat the Dust "Submissions to Beat the Dust are by invitation only, with the exception of the July edition, which is open to all writers to submit. For this issue we are keen to hear from writers with ‘kiss my shades!’ attitude who 'live life in the raw, grapple with it bravely and attack it with naked fists' when they put pen to paper (quote by John Fante in Ask the Dust). Beat the Dust is about inventive, hard-hitting, intelligent, honest, emotive, thoughtprovoking writing. Of particular interest is writing that involves some kind of contradiction or breaks a rule or convention in some way… "  EZINE
Bewilderbliss - " a quarterly magazine published in Manchester; it’s a high-quality publication showcasing the capabilities of new writers in the area." PRINT
Black Market Review  -poetry, flash fiction, short stories EZINE
Black Static - horror fiction PRINT PAYING
Bloody Bridge Review - "publishes short literary fiction and poetry, with new material uploaded weekly. We like things that are surreal, difficult, imaginative and darkly comic in terms of content, but relatively traditional in terms of form. We're not really into experimental writing, but we might be surprised, so send it anyway." EZINE
Bonfire - fiction, poetry and art. just closed. PRINT
Bottom of the World - "fledgling literary magazine based in the UK. It seeks to show off new prose (and poetry) to an unsuspecting world" PRINT
BRAND - "specialize in the short form; left of field work; international writing. We publish high quality, original short stories, plays, poems, creative non-fiction." PRINT PAYING  NO LONGER ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS
Brittle Star - "a ‘little’ magazine which, for its size, contains a surprising variety of new work: poems, stories, interviews." PRINT  
Burning Houses: “Short stories, poetry, essays, "art and anything else accepted as long as it reflects the modern worlds." PRINT
The Cadaverine - " publishes the best new poetry and prose by emerging authors under the age of 25.From urban gothic to high modernism, cyberpunk to scathing satire, science fiction to fictitious cookery," EZINE PRINT
Cake -  "new, exciting literary magazine based at Lancaster University, calling all fresh-baked submissions of poetry, flash fiction and more!" Subs: PRINT (I think!)
Cambridge Literary Review - " welcomes submissions of previously unpublished poetry, short fiction, literary criticism and political commentary." PRINT NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING UNSOLICITED WORK
Carillon -"wide-ranging poetry and prose from contributors across the world, plus book reviews and a readers’ competition." PRINT PAYING subscribers only
Chimera -  "verse and prose in serious and lighter vein on a range of topics. Philosophical, confessional, satirical, polemics, speculation, pastiche, essays, reviews, fiction"  EZINE
Chapman - "publishes the best in Scottish writing" PRINT PAYING
Cherrypicked Hands "I prefer short stories to be short. Poems can be as long or as short as you want, as long as I like them. like poems that describe all kinds of things in all kinds of wonderful ways. I don't like experimentation for experimentation's sake - although I do like it, sometimes, for the poem's sake. Talking of prose, I like short stories that are short - say, below 2,000 words, though I might consider slightly longer pieces. I also like them to be funny, and strange. I like short stories that leave a quiet hum in my head, and that contain characters who I would like to know in Real Life"  EZINE
Chroma Journal -  "is published twice a year. We accept submissions from all people who identify as queer, regardless of sex and sexuality. Each issue is themed." PRINT
Cossmass Infinities "is a Science Fiction and Fantasy audio magazine. Our first episode was published in January 2010. We are looking for short stories, ideally, between 4000 -- 8000 words.Stories should be either Science Fiction or Fantasy, or even a blend of both. Try to avoid mediaeval-fantasy though. Previously published stories are welcome."  AUDIO PAYING
Countryside Tales -" illustrated magazine in A5 format and is published quarterly...interested in any material with a countryside/rural theme." PRINT PAYING
Crannog - poetry and prose PRINT
Crimewave -  "outstanding modern stories of crime, mystery and suspense, as well as borderline material which uses genre elements in a new way" PRINT
Cyphers -  Ireland's longest running literary magazine founded in 1975, publishes Irish poetry, in Irish and English, and poetry in translation, as well as some prose fiction and criticism and graphic art." PRINT
Dark Tales - "horror and speculative fiction",  PRINT
Dead Drunk Dublin: - "online literary arts magazine dedicated to attracting poets, writers and artists who are looking through the obvious"  EZINE
Dream Catcher - "a terrific mix of poetry, prose, artwork and reviews" PRINT
East of the Web - "is keen to provide exposure for writers by offering them a place where their work will be seen and read in a high quality, respected setting. The site receives about half a million unique page views per month"
The Edge - "publishes short stories of more than 2000 words (not whole novels or sequels to work published elsewhere). Many have urban themes, and/or could be described (by others) as modern and borderline gothic horror/fantasy/sf, slipstream, crime fiction or erotica; please don't send clichéd stories. Experimental work is welcome. There is always room for new names." PRINT PAYING
Edinburgh Review - publishes essays, short fiction, poetry and reviews aimed at an educated reading public with an interest in critical thought. Since its inception in 1802, the magazine has balanced a strong Scottish focus with a keen interest in international intellectual currents" PRINT
First Edition - "Whether you've written a short story, poem, complete novel, or book review we want to hear from you. We run a monthly competition in each of these categories that is completely FREE to enter." PRINT
Flash - a biannual literary magazine, publishing quality short stories and occasional articles and reviews of up to 360 words. PRINT
Fractured West - " seeks stories of honesty, fury, humiliation, and unusual beauty for first print issue. 500 words and emerging writers particularly encouraged." PRINT.
Friction "the new online space for creative writing and non-fiction published by the Newcastle Centre for Literary Arts and edited by the students on the MA and PhD programmes in creative writing at Newcastle University. will publish work from leading writers, nationally and internationally, both established authors and first time writers. We’ll publish a selection of stories, poetry, flash fiction and other creative work that won’t easily fit into categories. EZINE
Frogmore Papers - mostly poetry but also "prose may be experimental or traditional, but is unlikely to be accepted if it's either very experimental or very traditional." PRINT
Fuselit - "is looking for work that you wrought or forged using the next issue's title (a spur word) as your inspiration point."
Gold Dust - "exciting and original prose and poetry" PRINT
Granta  - "committed to discovering and publishing the finest new fiction and non-fiction from around the world" PRINT PAYING
Gutter magazine - "a new, high quality, printed journal for fiction and poetry from writers born or living in Scotland. The editors believe there is a need for an energetic, ambitious magazine dedicated exclusively to the best in new Scottish creative writing." PRINT
Horizon Review - short stories and poetry  EZINE
Ink, Sweat and Tears - "webzine that explores the borderline between poetry and prose in the digital age" EZINE
Inkspill magazine - " The aim of Inkspill Magazine is to publish great quality work, with a creative internal layout. Not only will it publish short stories and poetry, but articles, debate, art, readers' letters etc." PRINT EZINE
Inside Out - "Confessional/autobiographical prose, on any subject." PRINT
The Interpreter's House - poetry and short stories   PRINT
Interzone - "new science fiction and fantasy short stories" PRINT PAYING
Iota - "quarterly literary magazine founded in Derbyshire in 1987 and enjoys a longstanding reputation for publishing excellent work from new and established writers - poetry and prose."
Kerouac's Dog - launching Sept 2010: " an Independently published quarterly, inspired by American writer, Jack Kerouac and the 1950s Beat generation. It's a bold and exciting platform for new writing, design, illustration, photography, architecture, fashion, and creativity in general. Bound together with overarching themes of freedom; truth; beauty; love; travel; wanderlust; sex; taboo; and fringe." PRINT
LabLit -  "dedicated to real laboratory culture and to the portrayal and perceptions of that culture – science, scientists and labs – in fiction," EZINE - "Submissions of previously unpublished short stories (4,000 words max), flash fiction, poetry (send 6-8 poems at a time), film / book / music / best tunes (300 words on a favourite song) / gigs / exhibition / lit mag / chapbook reviews (send samples of previous work), interviews and articles" EZINE
Liars League - "monthly, themed short story reading event based in central London, where the stories are written by emerging authors, performed by professional actors, and watched by a literature-loving crowd. Winning stories are read live (and recorded for later download) every second Tuesday of the month, and then published to our website." LIVE EZINE
The Liberal -"invites submissions of new poetry and short fiction"  PRINT
Linnet's Wings - "We are looking for well-crafted fiction with full plots and strong characters that you own the copyright to, but do remember if the work you submit is of an adult nature, provide a warning to that effect in its title or promotional sentence we won't publish pornographic or racist based work" EZINE
The Literateur - "new online literary magazine featuring interviews with luminaries of the literary world, articles, reviews and exciting new creative works." EZINE
Litro - "free monthly literary magazine. We publish new, original short fiction that excites us.... distributed widely near London Underground stations, in libraries, galleries, bars, cafes and other venues in the Capital and beyond" PRINT
The London magazine -"article and feature ideas, as well as poetry and short fiction submissions." PRINT
The Manchester Review -  "existing only online, with new issues appearing each spring and autumn. These will often include broadcasts of new music, public debates and video pieces, as well as visual art, fiction and poetry."  EZINE
Matter magazine -  features the best new writing by past and present students of the university’s respected MA Writing programme alongside work by established guest writers." PRINT 
Midnight Street -horror, science fiction, dark fantasy and slipstream EZINE

Mslexia - poetry, flash fiction, short stories.  PRINT PAYING
Moving Worlds - "a forum for creative work as well as criticism, literary as well as visual texts, writing in scholarly as well as more personal modes, in English and translations into English. It is open to experimentation, and represents work of different kinds and from different cultural traditions" PRINT
Neon (previously FourVolts)- "UK-based literary magazine, published online every quarter, and featuring the kind of imaginative, stylised poetry and prose not generally found in British magazines. We focus particularly on the new, the experimental and the strange." EZINE PAYING
New Walk magazine -  "We welcome letters,essays, reviews and other poetry-related features. Please contact us if you have any ideas or wish to submit. We are also looking for a small amount of short fiction and artwork." PRINT
New Welsh Review -  "best new writing from Wales" PRINT PAYING
The New Writer - "Short stories from subscribers and prizewinners only. The magazine does not consider unsolicited manuscripts but each issue contains up to four short stories from subscribers and guest writers, limited to a maximum 4,000 words on any theme and in any genre." PRINT PAYING
The Night Light: "The Night Light is an online magazine based in Manchester, England. We’re a disorganised cooperative publishing stories, plays, poems, essays and artwork." EZINE
Notes from the Underground - Comic stories, sketches, cartoons and comic poetry, Longer short stories up to a maximum of 1800 words, Very short stories of only one or two sentences, Travel Writing and reportage, Poetry  PRINT EZINE
Paraxis: “an online publisher of short stories. Partial to the unnerving, uncanny and fantastic. Tired of arguments about literary versus genre and genre versus literary - we just love well written imaginative fiction. Slightly sporadic in its publishing schedule.” EZINE
Patricide  - "All interested writers and artists are invited to submit work for publication in a new journal with a first edition to be published in the first half of 2010 as a limited edition of 100 A5 perfect bound books.Work should engage with the interface between documentary practice and surrealism. Written work should be within the range of 1 to 1000 words, images may take any form suitable for reproduction in monochrome." PRINT
Pen Pusher - "We are a literary magazine for those of you who are interested in words, writing, writers' lives, literary history, philosophy and the odd bit of silliness." PRINT
The Penniless Press -  " The eclectic North-West based magazine of poetry, prose, reviews and comment." PRINT
Penumbra - "If you've got something original to say and a fresh way of saying it, we want to hear from you. What we're after: 1. short stories (up to 2,500 words) 2. poetry 3. reviews (books, theatre, music; between 500—1,500 words)." PRINT
Planet magazine - " bi-monthly magazine covering the arts, culture and politics in Wales and beyond. In addition to features on and interviews with contemporary Welsh artists and writers, it includes political analysis, both of Welsh affairs and international issues. Several poems and one short story are published in each issue" PRINT PAYING
Polarity magazine - "sets out to fill a hole in the soul of today’s culture-kestrels. Sitting somewhere between McSweeney’s magazines (The Believer, McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern) and that dark blend of European surrealism forefronted by Georges Bataille (Documents, Story of the Eye), Polarity aims to tickle its readers’ hearts, minds and rude bits, with a selection of visual art, poetry, prose and articles. (But no reviews. Well, we might decide to break our own rules.) Appearing three times a year, or as often as we can manage, each issue will be organised around two falsely polarised concepts, forming an artefactual expansion of the metaphorical substance of each."  PRINT 
Prole - "Prole promotes accessible literature of high quality. Anything that we publish will be intelligent, engaging and impact the reader in a variety of ways. We want to appeal to a wide audience and reconnect a broad readership with excellent examples of poetry and short prose. Anything that sniffs of literary elitism is highly unlikely to make it through the editorial process. If it does, it�s only because we won�t have noticed and the piece has other areas of merit. Obscure references and highly stylised structures and forms that exist only to aggrandise the writer and appeal to the coffee lounges of our older universities are not welcome." PRINT - short stories - on a break right now. EZINE
The Pygmy Giant - "an online home for UK flash fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and pretty much anything else under 800 words. We aim to publish something new on the site approx. every other day." EZINE
Random Acts of Writing - "a Highlands-based writing magazine, and we are keen to publish writers who are either based in the north of Scotland, or whose work is relevant to the area. We have a commitment to new writing and unpublished writers" PRINT
Ranfurly Review - We accept fiction and poetry on almost any subject and in any genre. We will from time to time publish special genre editions, so if your work is accepted it may be held over until publication. We are looking for fiction that is engaging and thought provoking, maybe a touch humourous or a tear-jerker. Whatever it is, it must be well-written and engaging." EZINE
The Reader - "Poetry and short fiction accounts for 20-25% of each issue of The Reader."  PRINT and we encourage published and non-published writers to send in their work
Ronin Press Phase 47 periodical: "We choose to focus on the alternative & subversive, but we will consider all forms of writing and subject matter....up to 10,000 words a piece, any style."  EZINE  PRINT
Riptide - "bi-annual anthology of new short fiction by both established and emerging writers. We are committed to providing a forum for high quality, innovative fiction, expanding the readership of the short story genre and enhancing its standing" PRINT PAYING
Salt magazine - "publishes poetry, short stories, essays, articles and reviews on contemporary literature and culture. The magazine appears twice yearly in April and October" EZINE
Sein Und Werden - "both an on-line and in-print publication, with different content in each. Every issue is themed and though non-themed work will be accepted, I will only consider these after a decision has been made on any themed material. Bear in mind that longer stories will automatically go in the print publication, and unless otherwise specified, colour artwork will go online." PRINT EZINE
Shadowtrain - "a bi-monthly gathering of poems, translations, articles and other writings, from the lyrical to the innovative, whatever stings and stuns the editor." EZINE
Shortfire Press - "We are a digital-only publisher specialising in short stories from emerging and established writers.Everyone is busy nowadays. But there's always time for a short story. Here you'll find stories, short and sweet, which you can buy one by one. That means you can discover new writers and new stories and read them in the time it takes you to get to work, wait for a friend in a bar, or in any spare moment you have to yourself.We're looking for great literary/upmarket fiction which is plot-driven, has an original voice and is fresh and vibrant. Word counts should be from 2,500 words to 15,000 but every one of those words must count - no flab, please." EZINE  PAYING
SHORT Fiction - "If you want to know what kind of fiction to submit, we direct you to see our first issue... which is another way of saying, we like exceptionally well-crafted stories and form-breaking fiction which has narrative drive and dynamic tension." PRINT PAYING
Short Fuse - "one of Sussex’s best short fiction nights. Writers of short stories can showcase their work at our live lit nights which take place monthly at Komedia’s Studio Bar in Brighton and at The Rooms Cafe Bar in St Leonards/Hastings"  LIVE
Smoke: A London Peculiar - " a 52-page magazine of words and images inspired by the city" ON SABBATICAL PRINT 
Some Ways to Disappear  - "A biannual publication of new Photography and Literature." PRINT 
Solander  - "published twice yearly, in May and November, interviews, articles, short fiction and comment - the only such magazine in the world for enthusiasts of historical fiction." PRINT PAYING 
Southpaw Journal - " a quarterly independent journal dedicated to showcasing short fiction contributions from unpublished writers. Looking for short, gritty, punchy entries. Based in reality. Originality, verve and substance are the key words." EZINE
Southword Journal - "a literary journal featuring poems, fiction and reviews and published biannually by the Munster Literature Centre" EZINE  PAYING
Sparks - "A flash-fiction evening in Brighton. Stories are accompanied by a commissioned photo, projected behind the author as they read." LIVE
Spilt Milk Mag - "Nothing delights us more than discovering an orgy of words woven together in such a way that we're left aching to lay them out on a dirty floor and roll around like frenzied gerbils." PRINT  EZINE 
Spokes - "welcomes poetry, short fictional prose and images of all kinds - with a particular interest in the culturally engaged and the fantastic. Spokes is 'published' twice yearly." EZINE
Stand magazine -  "quarterly literary magazine established in 1952. Jon Silkin founded Stand as "an attempt to remedy the intellectual situation of reader and poet" in response to our need for "something more human . . . for art and a public which is prepared to be receptive" where the art in Stand is "what is simple in expression and human in its context; for the chances that the compound will be profound and worth reading are reasonable." PRINT PAYING
Staple - a magazine of poetry, short fiction, articles, reviews and images published three times each year. PRINT
Stinging fly - "welcomes submissions from Irish and international writers. We are looking for writers who have something to say, and who have taken the time to say it well. We publish poetry and short stories." PRINT PAYING
Stride magazine - "gathering of new poetry, prose poems, articles and reviews (or whatever takes our fancy), Stride is regularly updated with new contributions. Enjoy your visit." EZINE
Streetcake magazine - " the magazine for innovative, visual and experimental writing " EZINE
Structo - "a fiction and poetry magazine, containing original work as well as features on, interviews with, and essays by some of the most interesting writers from all sorts of fields." EZINE
The Subterranean Literary Journal - "The journal aims to be a timeless tribute to the written word, avoiding the fleeting moments of trends and fashion, remaining date-less with each issue numbered as it is created. It explores humanity and the lives of people the world over, through fiction and non-fictional stories. Each issue is handmade and put together by the subterranean literary journal."  PRINT EZINE
Succor - "the UK’s most exciting journal of new fiction, poetry and art. We have editors in London, Manchester, Brighton, Exeter and Dublin who are committed to seeking out and publishing the very best new writing. We habitually set a title for upcoming issues, which we then ask contributors to respond to in their work." PRINT CLOSED
Tales of the DeCongested & DeCongested Tales - "monthly evening of live fiction, run monthly at The Wheatsheaf on Rathbone Place & monthly magazine. Sixty pages of new writing - featuring stories from our live events as well as other contributed writing." LIVE PRINT
Tears in the Fence  - "an independent literary journal, open to a wide variety of critically aware voices and perspectives. We are an international magazine and have editorial bases in England, France, Australia and USA. We publish poetry, fiction, translations, reviews and essays by known and developing writers from around the world." PRINT
Tomlit Quarterly -  "a home for writing, art and friends. We set up to give us somewhere to display the work we believe in by people we love. If you're not our friend yet, please get in touch because I'm sure it'd be great to meet you. We publish a range of Short Fiction, Poetry and Features from experienced writers and beginners alike" CLOSED. EZINE
Transcript - "news, reviews and articles, profiles of writers, translators and publishers, and samples of the best contemporary writing from all corners of Europe."
Trespass magazine - "classy, beautifully designed magazine packed with the most dangerous and exciting poetry, art, short fiction and music." PRINT
Under the Radar: "Because of the increasing high-standard of work submitted to us, and because we've aimed for some time now to be able to include more short stories, reviews and articles in each issue, we are taking Under the Radar up to the next level."  PRINT
The View from Here - "a print and on-line literary magazine with author interviews, book reviews, original fiction & poetry and articles. We exist to provide an environment for authors and poets to feel connected and inspired and to showcase new talent. We showcase the weird, unusual, thought provoking and occasionally bizarre. We classify ourselves as "Bohemian Eclectic" PRINT EZINE
The Warwick Review - fiction & poetry PRINT PAYING
Wasifiri- "a literary magazine primarily concerned with new and postcolonial writers, it continues to stress the diversity and range of black and diasporic writers world-wide." PRINT
White Chimney - "A4, 32 page and full colour journal, was established to promote the work of both published and unpublished poets, short story writers, playwrights and artists, internationally" PRINT
The White Review "quarterly arts, culture and politics magazine, published in print and online, and established on a non-profit economic model. The website is updated with new, usually web-only content several times each week....Edited, designed and defined by an emergent generation of London-based writers and artists, the magazine is creating a space for a new generation to express itself unconstrained by form, subject or genre.Writers wishing to submit fiction and poetry should make it clear whether they wish to be considered for print or web, or both. "PRINT  EZINE 
Writers Hub -  "The Birkbeck Writers’ Hub accepts submissions of poetry, fiction and non fiction four times a year. For fiction and non-fiction we accept submissions up to 5,000 words and poetry up to five poems. We publish work under the creative commons licence and would prefer to receive work that is not published or under consideration elsewhere" EZINE
Wufniks"Submissions can be:  - Short stories. - Miscellany. - Poetry?” PRINT
Wyvern magazine - "specifically designed for the readers and writers of teen and young adult fiction.  The magazine is packed full with author interviews, how to articles, teen fiction, short stories, features of artists, and news from our readers and authors at Wyvern" EZINE
The Yellow Room - "aims to be the best literary short-story magazine around for women by women" PRINT PAYING


Jo said...

Oh dear, sorry... just saw The Yellow Room listing. Must read more carefully next time!

Unknown said...

Wow Tania, thank you for collating all this info. You are a star.

Alex said...

Hi Tania,

What a great list. I think a 'Best of' collection is a great idea which should be revived. They used to pulish one every year in the US.

re: the only one paying eZine.

I think that a lot of eZines out there are non profit and are made out of love. I run Tomlit Quarterly (perhaps an addition to your list) and we are a small team of writers who put it together purely out of love. We aim to build a relationship and community with all our contributors. We wish we could pay writers but as we don't charge or make anything from it, that is impossible.

Sue Guiney said...

I hope you don't mind, but this is so great I'm writing a blog sending my readers your way. Thanks!

Nik Perring said...

Wow Tania - how awesome are you? (And how long must this have taken?!)

And I'll second Alex's suggestion of including Tomlit


Tania Hershman said...

Jo - no worries at all!

Sara - it took me 5 straight hours but it was as much for me as for anyone else, I just wanted to see what was out there.

Alex, I will see what I can do about the "Best of.." although I don't like the "this is better than that" method. I have added Tomlit, of course! And re eZines, I totally understand that most people do it for love, I believe that the same is probably true for most of the print mags here too - no profit in this! I am sure the sales income probably just covers printing costs. So in fact both print mags and ezines are probably in a similar situation when it comes to being able to pay contributors - the money has to come from somewhere else, I imagine. But it seems perhaps somehow more "acceptable" right now for an ezine not to pay, that was what my comment implied. Does anyone have anything to add to this? How do very small print mags afford to pay contributors?

Sue - so glad you like it!

Nik, it took 5 straight hours, my eyes were blurry when i finished.

Brian George said...

Tania, thanks so much much for posting this!

Tania Hershman said...

And.. I just found another magazine, Fractured West, a new flash mag from Scotland. This could be a full-time job!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tania - great info!!

Tim Love said...

Many thanks. Lots of them are new to me. I think Chroma ( might be worth a mention. MsLexia has restrictions on submissions and I think Aesthetica only accepts competition entries.

As you say, quality and quantity don't always go together. The quantity can dilute readership so that stories - even when they're published - barely get read. How many of these mags have more than 100 readers? How many of those readers read from cover to cover? Annual anthos (even poetry ones) don't sell well, so they're not an obvious solution.
I think I'd prefer there to be 10 well-supported prose mags and leave it at that. Getting published would be worth it then because you'd know your work would be read by your peers.

Vanessa Gebbie said...

I was Deputy Ed of the late lamented cadenza magazine, started by Go Good, passed to John Ravenscroft and Zoe King, and I took over when John left, to help out as I didnt like the thought of it closing.

It had no income except competition entry fees, and subscriptions. The winners of the competitions were paid quite handsomely. We printed the first second and third, and a few hon mentions. The other contrubitions came from open subs, and we had a poetry editor who ran his section.

While I was involved, printing and postage costs to subscribers outweighed the income substantially. It was always carried by Zoe King. I think she tried for a grant, unsuccessfully.

I miss the mag. The comps were rigorously judged by two working editors, both successful writers. Wer used to write a commentary, giving advice and guidance on writing - Zoe started a series of open critque on stories whihc nearly made it but not quite - intending it to be a learning tool for writers. There were reviews, quality stories. We picked and published such luminaries as Lexie Fox and Wes Lee(currently on Salt's Scott shortlist)...and of course, Alex Keegan.

We tried to pay contributors, in the hopes of attracting serious writers - and we did attract them - but in the end, the mag folded - Zoe couldnt carry the shortfall herself any longer, and Im afraid I was not in a position to pay for the printing.

Tis sad. Sorry for long post, but thats the reality behind many of the small mags, I suspect.

Vanessa Gebbie said...

and apologies for the terrible typing. I can spell, promise.

Indira Chandrasekhar said...

How brilliant is this. Thank you.

Rachel Fenton said...

Tania, you star! I am in awe of your devotion to the short story!

Tim Love said...

"I am in awe of your devotion to the short story!" - I'd ditto that. If gets a grant, you should get a matching one.

Glyn Pope said...

This is a pretty stunning list. Thankyou for your efforts.

Tim Love said...

Sorry, me again.
There's First Edition
which is/was available in High Street shops. Is still active? I don't recall Stride ever publishing a story.

Anonymous said...

Correction re The Edge: it doesn't actually exist, hasn't published an issue in many years.

Vanessa Gebbie said...

and there's one ezine coming out of Dublin called The Linnet's Wings. (from a Zoetrope thread)

Kath McGurl said...

This is excellent, and very generous of you. Many thanks.

annie clarkson said...

wow, I don't even know where to start with this wonderful and amazing list...!!!

Tania Hershman said...

Thanks, all! I will keep updating the list as I get more information, will put a link on the right hand side of the blog so we can find it easily!

Anonymous said...

So helpful. Thank you! The mercenary part of me is scanning all the purple ones ...

green ink said...

What a wonderful resource Tania - thank you for putting it together. Your generosity in doing this is quite humbling. You've inspired me to get submitting! x

Andrew Blackman said...

Thanks Tania! Your list coincided with my New Year's resolution to submit more of my short stories to magazines. I love your generous spirit, and wish that more of us would share information like this, rather than viewing each other as competitors for limited resources.

By the way, a good (non-paying) magazine for stories about London is Smoke: A London Peculiar.

Greg said...

This is fantastic - thank you so much for posting!

Tania Hershman said...

whereimbloggingfrom - you're not mercenary, just optimistic!

green ink, it's my pleasure, so glad if I can inspire writers to get their work out there. And these mags need our work, it's a 2-way thing.

Andrew, my pleasure. I don't see us as competing with each other at all, none of us writes the same stories, so why should we withhold? I want to read your writing! And thanks re Smoke, will check it out.

Greg, my pleasure!

Anon, I couldn't tell from The Edge's website if they are shut or not, will err on the side of optimism!

litrefs aka Tim - ah yes, a grant! A girl can dream...

Susannah Rickards said...

Hi T,

Thanks for all the time and trouble you took in compiling this list and for sharing it.

And I agree TSR and you deserve a grant for bringing more attention to the short story.

Unknown said...

I don't know if you are updating info still but 3 AM only solicit work now I believe.

Pippa Goldschmidt said...

oh thanks for this, so helpful.
there is also Gutter magazine in Scotland, a new hard copy magazine. It's only published one issue so far, but that was great. see for more info.

Pippa Goldschmidt said...

and there's New Writing Scotland, an annual anthology of Scottish writing.
for more info.

Mel said...

Wow, this will keep me busy forever.
Thanks Tania!
I thought of another UK ezine which pays good prize money - BrevityThing - but when I went to their site, it seems they have disappeared. Perhaps that really is what happens to all online mags that are run for fun in the editors' spare time and try to give out money...
I am now glad that The Pygmy Giant is as cheap and free as ever. :)

Tania Hershman said...

Susannah, my pleasure.

Sara, that's fine, it's still a lit mag that publishes fiction.

Pippa, excellent, I added Gutter, but the annual anthology isn't a literary mag so doesn't qualify, sorry!

Mel, sad to hear about their demise. Ah well, there are enough here to keep us busy!

A Cuban In London said...

Many thanks for such an informative post. I will have to bookmark it.

Greetings from London.

Tim Love said...

More updates -
"as of May 2009, 3:AM is no longer accepting submissions to the

The Reader link ends "u/" but it should end in "uk/" seems rather dormant.

Jessica said...

Thanks for the brilliant list!

I think 'The Beat' is also british too.


pat jourdan said...

Tania, this mixture is as rich as a Christmas pudding! You know what our late New Year's resolution will be....
While most people probably start off by sending to magazines alphabetically, I shall work from z-y-x upwards to avoid the crowds. Is that a good tactic?

Tania Hershman said...

ACiL - thanks for stopping by!

Tim, thanks for the updates, I will leave my insidout for the moment, see what happens.

Jessica, nice one, have added it1

Pat - very good idea, sneaky!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful list, Tania. Thanks for all your work.

I note Giles Gordon's name - a great editor much missed in the literary world. He encouraged me when I first started to write, handing out pages of free critique when I was audacious (naive?) enough to approach him. And that was when I was writing rubbish and worse.

20x20 magazine said...

thanks for including 20x20 magazine!


Anon said...

Thanks for the list, and all the time you put into it.

Lewis J Archer said...

Hi Tania, I just discovered this blog and indeed this listing completely by chance and I just want to say thank you. This is a great list and your blog is a great resource. I've already got half a dozen short stories kicking around my head for some of the publications you've listed, four of which I'd never heard of.

Thanks again.


Tania Hershman said...

My pleasure, 20x20!

Elisabeth, glad it's of use to you too.

Lewis, I am so glad, best of luck with your submissions!

Lewis J Archer said...

Hi Tanya, I've stumbled across a publication you may not be aware of: .Cent Magazine. It's more of a lifestyle mag than pure prose/poetry but they publish alot of new writers every edition. Seems like quite a promising outlet all round. Though perhaps you could add it to your list.


Tim Love said...

There's also the Cambridge Literary Review

Tim Love said...

Aesthetica have just mailed me about my online mag listing, saying "I'm writing to enquire if it will be possible to update the listing, as unfortunately, Aesthetica doesn't have any poetry or prose in it" so I've removed them from my list.

Kat said...

Hi Tania,

this is a really wonderful thing you've done here. Really useful.

Perhaps I could suggest the Bloody Bridge Review (

We're mostly UK based (despite what duotrope says).

Tania Hershman said...

Done! Thanks BBR, very interesting-looking publication. Might just submit something myself!

Snapper said...

Tania – this is such a helpful resource! I had been trying to compile something similar myself, using the Arts Council funded site and ended up with a measly 20 ‘literary’ print publications! This is a far more comprehensive and useful list, and I’m so grateful to you for putting it together, and also to the anonymous writer whose comment on my own blog led me here. Brilliant.

Tania Hershman said...

Paul - so glad to be of assistance! And thanks, anon writer, for the referral. May you all have many acceptances!

Lewis J Archer said...

Hey, just realised Dark Tales isn't listed here. It's a quarterly fantasy and sci-fi print magazine. They also run paid competitions quarterly with first place preizes of £500.


Tania Hershman said...

Thanks, Lewis, have added it!

Carola Huttmann said...

A fab post. Thank you for so generously sharing this information.

Swinefever said...

This is a great list and a fabulous resource, thanks so much. I know it's always changing, but any chance this could be made downloadable, as a PDF or something? It's be really useful to have to hand without the distraction of going online.

Just putting it out there...

Tania Hershman said...

Carola, my pleasure! Will keep updating it, there's a link from the blog sidebar.

Rob - I think I know how to do that, will do it tonight when I get home! My day in the lab today :)

Sarah J. MacManus said...

Ms. Hershman,
The Battered Suitcase, which is an online and digital journal, is incorporated in the US, but owned and managed by both Americans and Brits. We publish work by writers from Ireland and the UK, including Ireland's Jamie Guiney and England's Nicola Monaghan. We also have a sister project in London that produces print anthologies and manages performance events for musicians, poets and artists. We would love to see more.

Richard2000 said...

I'd ditto that. If gets a grant, you should get a matching one. tava tea error fix Internet Hosting jump higher Electronic Cigarette

Philip Dodd said...

wow - that was a real labour of love, thanks ever so much.

EKSwitaj said...

What an amazing resource you've compiled here! Another print journal that publishes short stories is Irish Pages, based in Belfast.

Rab C Habit said...


We have just launched a new literary magazine that will be in print.

We are currently looking for submissions for issue 1.

Tim Love said...

According to their web site, Succour's gone - "Succour ran for five years and ten issues from 2004 to 2009"

Alan said...

Hi Tania,
fab list, must add my thanks to all the others above. Re Best British Short Stories - Salt have revived the series, with Nicholas Royle as editor. I know because one of my stories published in the Warwick review has been chosen for it. Link:

I was also in the original series (ed Giles Gordon) back in 1991 - it's taken 20 years to reach those heights again.
Another online mag that's not on the list, but is British (I think, although an American friend put me on to it)is Wufniks:

Keep up the good work!

Tania Hershman said...

Thanks, Alan, added & added! And... congratulations!

The Jump Manual said...

This is what I love Short stories. Thanks for sharing the list. jump higher

Dragan Stojkovic said...

Hi, I'm the fiction editor for Ronin Press and our prnt edition Phase47. We have been around for over a year, have 2000+ followers and have published Roy Kesey, David Gaffney and Pushcart Prize founder Hugh Fox. Can we have an add?

jotta said...

Great post! jotta talked to the editors of The White Review about their unique approach to funding

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi Tania - great List.

You might add Prole. Relatively new - paying market.



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Jason D Jawando said...

I would just like to say thanks for your list. I originally came across it a year ago. Having had a few stories published in the past, I seemed to have hit a brick wall. Thanks to the list, I have been published in the most recent edition of Crannog and will have a story in the next issue of Ranfurly Review.

Tania Hershman said...

Jason, I can't tell you how happy that makes me! And - congratulations!! I'm glad the brick wall has been well and truly demolished.

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Totalfeckineejit said...

Oi! Beep beep! Don't forget The Poetry Bus! Please add us in! :)

Tania Hershman said...

Hello T... as far as I can see, the Poetry Bus is poetry only, no short stories, and this list is aimed at short story publications. Do correct me if I'm wrong!

The Poetry Bus said...

Doh! Mea Culpaargghh! You is right!

Tim Love said...

Brand is no longer accepting submissions.
Cambridge Literary Review isn't accepting unsolicited work.

Cam T Addict said...


My name is Cam and I am the editor of a new art and poerty magazine. We were hoping that you might include our magazine as a listing on your website. The website for the magazine is and the moto is 'Broken Wine - Celebrating the Grimy, the Gritty, the Broken and the Bizarre.'

The magazine will be in print.



Tania Hershman said...

Hi Cam, congrats on the new magazine! My list is very specifically for magazines that publish short stories and you don't seem to be doing that, or have I misread something?

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Craig said...

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Unknown said...

The website for the magazine is and the moto is 'Broken Wine - Celebrating the Grimy, the Gritty, the Broken and the Bizarre.'Jinekomasti

Unknown said...

Hi Tania! Could you add Roadside Fiction to your list? It is an Irish online lit mag in existence more than one year. There you can find outrageous fiction in a Beat or realist style. Many thanks!