Thursday, February 15, 2007

Feeling groovy

Well, no, I am not exactly feeling groovy yet, in fact it has taken me a long time to bounce back from whatever sent my temperature sky-high ten days ago. What is the specific complaint? A kind of non-specific malaise, feeling a sense of dis-ease, achey, bleuch. That's it. But while that's around I find it hard to write, to read, to do much of any value to mankind, or to my fellow writers whose work I am supposed to be critiquing. Sorry. I have just meditated and right now feel a healthy glow. Let's hope it lasts so real life can resume.

Just found out that my story that was long-listed for a competition didn't struggle through to the short list. But V's did, congratulations! Onwards and upwards. Waiting on results from a couple of flash competitions. I think I do better under 500 words. I am brevity. I haven't got much staying power. Not right now.

J and I are off tonight to a performance by a great Israeli singer, David Broza, together with a dance troupe that are the Israeli version of Stomp. Lots of banging stuff, I expect. I hope it doesn't set me back. I hope it gives me my zing back.

Happy birthday, B!


Vanessa Gebbie said...

Im so glad you are feeling better... zinc and vitamin c... thats the big booster.

enjoy feeling well again and dont over do (including those bloody crits. ignore me!)


Tania Hershman said...

Thanks, V, am feeling much better this morning and we are off to see the sea for Shabbat, which should be nice even if there are thunderstorms!
Done the crits... well, two out of three... Thanks for pushing us!