Thursday, July 30, 2020

5 Day Short Story Challenge - Aug 10-14

In April the Arvon Foundation ran a 5-Day Short Story Challenge using daily prompts that I’d written to guide you through the drafting of a new short story. Over two thousand people took part, and there were such enthusiastic responses, it was a joy to see! I ran it again in May – but if you missed it – or if you did it already but would like another week of daily writing nudges – here’s your chance! I’m running it again myself, using the same prompts, from Monday August 10 – Friday August 14. Every day you will get an email with a writing prompt and reading material to kickstart your imagination.

The cost to sign up is £5 – half of which is to provide me with a small amount of income, and half I will donate to Refuge, a charity which helps women and children experiencing domestic violence, something which has only increased during this lockdown. I am also offering several free places. Click here for more details and to sign up by Sunday August 9.

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