Saturday, August 20, 2022

Poetry collection + book bundles

*I’m donating £1 from every sale to the fuel poverty charity National Energy Action*

My new poetry collection, Still Life With Octopus', published by Nine Arches Press, is now officially launched! If you'd like to buy a signed copy, you can get one directly from me by using this PayPal link - and please do let me know who to sign it to if not to you! 

UK/Europe/Rest of World

If you'd like to pick up a copy of some of my other books too, I have a few book bundles available at discount price while stocks last. If you'd like to buy any other combination, email me, I'd be happy to arrange that.
Buy both my Nine Arches Press poetry collections
Buy Still Life With Octopus and my second poetry pamphlet (joint winner, Live Canon pamphlet contest, 2019).
Buy Still Life With Octopus + both poetry pamphlets
Buy all four of my poetry books - 2 collections + 2 pamphlets

Buy Still Life With Octopus + my flash fiction collection, My Mother Was An Upright Piano (Tangent Books, 2012)

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